Sunday, October 2, 2016

Messed up reaction to bedbug bites.

So, a few weeks ago after I thought the bedbugs were gone since I didn't get any bites for a week, I woke up with 9 bites, and some of them swelled up and itched horribly.

So, I kept thinking to myself, "They're body trials," like my one art school colleague who wears women's clothes had said, when he said it was like I was some weird Catholic saint because of all the welts and scabs from itching and stuff.

Oddly, though, since I've been reading books by Mother Angelica, that line of thinking quickly segued into a type of thinking that I like to call "God as giver of pain," since facing difficulties as trials to improve character can lead you to think of the difficulties themselves as providential.

"God must love me to make me suffer like this," I thought to myself, after setting down the Mother Angelica book and feeling these huge itchy welts on my back, buttocks, and thighs.

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