Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Night out with a friend (2 of 3): Tale of the supernatural.

Back when my one library circulation supervisor friend's great-grandmother was in the last stages of dying and completely incommunicative, her one aunt who’s a little crazy said that they should do a ceremony to speak with her spirit, and so she began lighting candles and putting them all over the room.

“She wouldn’t like that,” said my one friend’s grandmother, to the one crazy aunt.

The one crazy aunt kept doing that, though, and just as she had finished lighting the candles and was beginning to do something else, suddenly there was a gust of wind, and all the candles went out all at once, even though they were in many different places throughout the room.

And, my friend’s grandmother, who’s not at all superstitious, saw a black shadow pass through.

And, it turns out the great-grandmother died right then.

Since then, my one friend’s grandmother not only believes in the supernatural, but also that she saw Death.

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