Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Two morning sights:

The other morning, I was running an errand in my neighborhood before running off to work, and as I'm hustling down the sidewalk, I see a mailperson ahead of me, a(n early 40s) (slightly taller) (slim) (very black) man, and as I go to pass him, he pauses and turns off to deliver something, but his cart keeps going.

"Good morning!", I was like.  "You got a runaway cart here!".

"Yeah," he was like, in a surprisingly deep voice.  "Sometimes it's got a mind of its own."

Later, after my errand, as I began biking up to work, I saw a couple (hispanic) workman in bright green smocks by the intersection where it was all newly paved, with these odd wheeled handrollers that they were using to put down white preliminary lines where the crosswalks would be later sketched in.

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