Monday, February 22, 2016

My one sci-fi colleague: Movie, Checking In...

So, I went to see the new Star Wars with my one colleague who does sci-fi.

After it was over, she turns to me and was like, "This series is so edible!".

And, I thought she was just being expressive, and meant that it was a good popcorn movie but not much else.

Like a day later, I realized she must have meant "Oedipal".

She was also undergoing dental surgery that same day, so I wrote to tell her the story and to check in, and she wrote back:

Hi [my first name]. Thanks for your concern. The surgery went well (I'm a good patient, if there are drugs involved).  My face looks a little strange today from swelling, sort of like a pixie...

What a fun colleague.

Like my one friend who teaches modern Czech lit says, in academia, people are either awful, or absolutely the best.

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