Monday, September 14, 2015

Bedbug frustrations, and other methods of dealing with them.

To help me cope with bedbugs, I also tell myself that I shouldn’t be any more disturbed than with a mosquito bite.

I can’t tell you how incredibly frustrating it is, though.

You think they’re gone, and then you wake up with a handful of itchy welts on your back or buttocks, and find the droppings in your sheets.

Then, your bed isn’t a safe spot anymore, though you’ve done everything possible to make it so, and there’s no reason your bed shouldn’t be safe.

And, you start to lose sleep, b/c once you wake up with an itch and find a welt, you leap straight awake out of anxiety and can’t go back to sleep.

Honestly, the first morning I woke up in bed to find them back after I thought I made my bed a safe place, I cried, and there’s been times I’ve been close to crying again.

It’s funny, b/c so much else that’s happened to me hasn’t brought me to tears, but I think the difference is that suddenly you aren’t even guaranteed sleep or safety in sleep, and it’s like something you never thought would be taken away from you suddenly has been.

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