Thursday, July 23, 2015

Turning the Tables on Hecklers.

Like a month ago I was biking home, and as I passed by the one engineering school halfway to my house 3 young guys (1 of whom was holding a pizza box) called out and were like, "Hey, what's up!??!?!?, How are you??!?!??!! Come hang out!!!!!", just being kind of drunk and a bit obnoxious.

So, I slowed my bike and was like, "Good, can I get some pizza?".

That totally threw them off.

So, I was like, "C'mon, be cool, I want a slice of pizza."

So, they looked at each other, and one was like, "Okay," and they gave it to me, but said I had to walk with them and talk since it'd be dangerous to bike.

So, I ate the pizza with them, and found out that they were young drunk engineering students.

They asked me about me, and I told them I taught freshman writing at the top-tier university in town, and when they asked how it was going, I said good, except for the one student who was pushing it and really should flunk.

That made their eyes get really big.

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