Thursday, May 28, 2015

Story of a woman at a bar: The people in my neighborhood.

Like Saturday a few months ago I went barhopping and then to a friend's birthday party and then barhopping some more.

At the last bar of the night, a pizza place with a bar, I was doing a crossword and a (white) (around my age) woman sitting next to me with her (white) (around my age) boyfriend sitting on the other side of her complimented me on my ability to do a crossword while drinking at that time of night.

"I couldn't do that now," she was like.

Then, we started talking, and when she found out the (townie) neighborhood I lived in, she asked me what I thought out it, and I confessed how it was both better and worse than I thought, since I had expected a lot of anti-black racism and there was shocking racism, but also a lot more townie mixing with Chinese and hispanics than I had expected.

She then confessed that she's a Jewish Ukrainian immigrant who came to the city at a young age with her parents, and that the only explicit anti-Semitism that she has ever encountered in the city happened in my neighborhood.

Back in high school, her and a girlfriend were hanging out with 2 guys, and then one of them is like, "You know who I hate even more than blacks?  Jews."

Then, she went off on him and was like, "Then why have you been chasing me for 2 days?".

"I don't go back there now," she was like.  "It left a bad taste in my mouth."

Her and her boyfriend were also yuppies who excited by the Baltimore riots.

"You have no idea how oblivious our friends are," she was like.  "They never interact with anyone different from them, and are so afraid of them and so unsympathetic."

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