Monday, December 22, 2014

Stories of Brits (2 of 2): Fomenting revolution, vocab.

The other week I went out for drinks with the (half British) (half Sudanese) sister of my one (half British) (half Sudanese) friend, who is now also my friend.

We hadn't seen each other since the one night we went barhopping and I was trying to convince her to take other people's food since they bought it with *her* money, and she brought that up, and was like, "You know, I was totally with you, until you said all that about Christmas."

I had forgot -

After that one bar, we went to see if a restaurant bar was open (it wasn't), and on our stroll back, she saw a Christmas tree in the window of a store, and was like, "Oh look, Christmas, how lovely!".

"Christmas?", I was like.  "Christmas is a bourgeois luxury."

Then, I started going off on how many children the world over suffer making the toys that the children of the rich unwrap, look at once, and throw in a corner, and how it's a reactionary holiday, etc.

On a completely different note, she mentioned that for her new job she has to field filable cases and so feels like an "agony aunt", since people just go off and complain and complain to her, even when there's nothing filable.

I was confused by that phrase, and she said it's British for a major newspaper columnist who listens to your problems (like a Dear Abby, I took it).

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