Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Neighborhood disturbance: Catfight.

The other week I was packing up my re-usable canvas bags to go get groceries and heard these 2 young girls screaming at each other from down the street, and the next thing I know I hear a few sirens and I see from my dining room window an EMS van parked out down the street.

As I step outside to head to the grocery store, I see this young (Mexican-American) guy walking from that direction and asked him what was up, and he said there was some sort of fight, but he walked past on the sidewalk after it happened and really wasn’t sure what happened.

At that point, my one drummer neighbor steps out, and is like, “Dude, what was that?”, and when I said some kind of fight, he was like, “Yeah, sounded like some lowlife shit.”

Then, he turned to the young kid, who had this big black backpack on, and was like, “Dude, is that a violin?!”, and the kid started saying yes, that he plays in his high school orchestra but also a mariachi band started by his 8th-grade conductor, and he was heading to that rehearsal now.

“No way!”, I was like.  I then told him that that was super cool that he was playing in 2 totally different types of musical ensembles, and that if he enjoyed it, he should keep it up.

(I find the mariachi ensemble particularly cool and impressive.)

“Thanks,” he was like.

My drummer neighbor then began telling him about jam sessions he had, and that he was welcome to come.

“We just sit around and play,” he was like.  “What kind of music you all do?”

. . .

The week before that, I was working from home and went out to get the mail after lunch, and since it was a windy day, I collected some trash that had blown on the patch of grass in front of the house, and I then hear a voice from the first floor window, and it’s my drummer neighbor.

“Good job, dude,” he was like, “I did that last week.”

He was daydrinking.

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