Thursday, June 26, 2014

Crossword Evening (1 of 2): Sunset watching.

This past weekend my one hippie friend from Michigan came out to the lakefront after she got out of work to meet and do a crossword with me, which we never got around to there, however, since outside was so beautiful and we just walked around and kept looking at everything.

The rain was finally going away, and between the rainclouds and the water and the sunset, the sky was just spectacular:  far out on the lake dark clouds over lighter water, and clouds wrapping around the city skyline, and orange pieces to the north where the sunset could reflect through to the east, and then a few very small patches of sky where bright light blue was shining through.

"Look at that blue hole!", my friend was like, pointing.

Then, she was like, "It's Mother Nature's vagina," since it was a bit sharp-ended ovalish, with a smaller slit of a cloud down the middle.

"For a second there I thought you were going to talk about ass-fucking a Smurf," I was like.

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