Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Campaign 2012 Tidbits (19 of 26): Bain Capital on the campaign.

From Mark Halperin and John Heilemann’s Double Down – Game Change 2012 (New York: Penguin Press, 2013), p. 332:

Hobbling [a Romney operative]’s ability [to respond to Bain allegations] was a factor hidden from the outside world: the staunch refusal of Bain to assist [Romney’s campaign HQ in] Boston on defense.  A decade removed from the firm, Romney was a distant memory to all but a few executives; the institutional loyalty to Mitt was minimal, and the desire to wade into partisan politics nil.  Bain’s upper management and employees were split among Republicans and Democrats.  There were even some Obama bundlers, who pleaded with [Obama campaign staffers Jim] Messina and [David] Axelrod not to drag the firm into the campaign – extracting only a concession that [Obama’s campaign HQ in] Chicago would refrain from using an infamous photo of a young Mitt and some Bain associates clutching greenbacks.

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