Tuesday, June 18, 2013


After those 2 roach sightings - one on the edge of my sink; another behind the edge of my sink counter - and finding out from other tenants that roaches had started appearing after one apt. on my floor got renovated, I bought a pack of roach motels and set them all around my apartment.

Like 2 weeks after I did that, I came home at night, and there was a roach sitting out on the front of my stove.

I went to smack it, and it tried to scurry, but moved slowly.

Like 2 days after that, I came home at night, and there was a roach sitting out at the edge of the tile by the kitchen area in my studio.

I went to smack it, and it tried to scurry, but moved slowly.

Like a few weeks after that, I was raising the blinds in my dining room area around 8am, and I noticed a roach on the lower wall.

I went to smack it, and it tried to scurry, but moved slowly, though it did get on the floor before I smacked it.

I think the roaches are moving slowly since they all got some of the poisoned bait, and it had fucked with their nervous system or whatever it is that insects have.

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