Friday, July 20, 2012

2 Opinions, Dream of my one British friend.

The other day I ran into my one British friend at the gym... He was taking a rest in the weightroom and looking at a review of Ridley Scott's "Prometheus" in a magazine on the magazine rack. I said hi and told him I had been hoping to see the movie, and he said he had just seen it the previous week, with his brother when he was in town visiting. "And it was junk," he said, and panned its plot holes and recommended not seeing it, since it was just a summer blockbuster with nothing lasting about it, unlike "Alien", which his brother loves as a psychological thriller. "That's a shame," I was like, and reminded him that the director was British. "I know," he was like, "And he was quite good, before he tried too hard to make American summer blockbusters." Also, he said he was reading up on what Obama's healthcare plan did, and he said it didn't do much, or at least not enough to "warrant" his being called a socialist and a communist and whatnot. "When are you people going to get a national health service?", he was like. "I really recommend it." He also said that he had a horrendous dream the previous night, after reading a story about a homeless person in California who was on drugs or wasn't treated for mental illness and ended up biting someone's cheeks off and poking out their eyes before getting shot to death by police. As the dream went, he watched while someone's face was ravaged and eaten up by someone else, including huge gaping holes bit into the cheeks.

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