Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Scandalizing colleagues.

The other week on the way in to school I happened to be on the same subway car with a French colleague, who became irate when he saw me using a pencil to take notes in a library book from our school.

"You do not know," he said, "that I have yelled at other for that reason!"

I then defended my position, saying that it was erasable, but I only made educated comments, and that it improved the reading experience of others when attentive.

I also he said that he was behind the times, and that post-modern polyphony was here to stay, but he wasn't convinced.

I later texted my one Czech lit prof friend to find out if she ever wrote in books -

I've been guilty of that.

- she replied.

I then asked if she ever reprimanded anyone for writing in books -

Only within the pages of the book.

- she replied.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it is not your book -- don't write in it.