Thursday, July 7, 2011

More re: the Catalan.

I was asking the Catalan about the sardana, and he said it was something the old people did, and he was forced to dance it as a kid.

"So dance it for me now," I was like. "Teach me about your culture, I want to see."

He wouldn't, and after I pressed a bit more, he said that it's fine to make fun of a culture, but you have to know it 1st.

"It's like if I asked you, American, to show me basketball or baseball," the Catalan was like.

So, at that, I pretend dribbled, shot an airball through a hoop, and then, after a pause, I went into batting stance, wiggled my butt, and swung a pretend bat.

Then, I got back into normal posture, pointed at the ground, and was like, "Dance!", at which the Catalan just grimaced, shrugged, and took another drag on his cigarette.

Later, when I met there Argentianian friend, he was saying that it's a stereotype for him to do the tango, but he knows it because he learned it in middle school so he could touch the girls dancing, and he would tango if the Catalan would do the sardana.

I later apologized to the Argentinian about my repeating jokes about the sardana, but I said I just found it funny.

"That is okay," he was like. "I can see that you are a persistent person."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

but the apology should have gone to the Catalan