Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Bar #53 or #54 awfulness (2 of 2): Bar Staff.

So you know what else sucked about the bar? The staff:

1) Though it was an open space going to the back of the bar, the (white) guy at the door said the "science cafe" had been full going on 15 minutes and we could enjoy the bar, but not the cafe (we went back and waited, and a table freed up, so we snagged it).

2) They had a tray out of coldcuts and cheese that we enjoyed, and then they had pizza ordered in, and after everyone got some and I went up to go get a piece for my one lawyer friend from Missouri, the (white) bar guy near the pizza asked me if we had a ticket, then turned me away "until everyone else got some first" (? - which they had; and I guess there were free food tickets the guy distributed at the door?).

3) It was "dollar off Belgian drafts" night, and I ordered this (Dutch) beer that was listed on the large Belgian drafts chalkboard but in the laminated description menu was noted to be from the Netherlands. This (white) (male) bartender had got me my drink and then a 2nd (white) (male) one came up and asked me if I needed anything, and when I said a glass of water would be nice, he pointed to a cooler in the corner of the room next to a stack of plastic cups, which I hadn't noticed... Then, after the other guy dropped off my (Dutch, but listed on the "Belgian drafts" board) beer, I noticed he hadn't given me a $1 off, so I asked the 2nd (white) (male) bartender who was there if it was $1 off Belgian drafts night, and when he confirmed that it was, I asked him why I hadn't gotten a dollar off my beer, and when he said it was because it was Dutch, I was like, "But it's listed on the Belgian drafts board," and then I asked if I could have my dollar because it was there mistake (or something like that), the guy's face just turns into this big sneer and he spits out at me, "No, but you can go get some water now!", and he holds out his finger and pointed at the cooler to dismiss me (and I wasn't even hammered).

Hipster bars are the uncoolest places ever!

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