Wednesday, February 16, 2011

People admire my bravery, including a Spaniard.

So, yesterday in the library I saw my one friend from Buffalo, who was studying at a table with that one Spanish guy I know ("Jesus"). She had given me the restaurant recommendation for the place I was at the night a homeless guy tried to rob me on the subway, and though I had texted her about that and she had heard my story from a friend of mine, I hadn't seen her till then, and so I told her and Jesus the story more in depth.

"Wow, that is so brave," she was like, where I told the part about mine pushing my way past the homeless guy and running out the door and getting myself to an emergency button.

"You think so?", I was like.

"Yeah," Jesus was like.

"Wow!", I was like, "Do you really think that? Estoy - no no no! - SOY - mui fuerte," I said, very dramatically and nodding my head in earnest.

"No no no," Jesus was like. "El mas fuerte."

Then, he added, "And you should be a novelist, you have such command of the language."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree on all counts.