Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Conversation with my one British friend.

The other day I met my one British friend for lunch on campus, and when we went to the cafeteria, we sat down with his brother-in-law (who is also a ph.d. student on campus and who I also know) and one of his classmates...

Since I hadn't seen his brother-in-law in a while, I was asking him how his language coursework was going (he's currently studying Coptic, Syriac, and Greek b/c he's studying the rise of Islam; he already has really good Arabic).

Anyhow, because of that, somehow we all got talking about languages and differences between them and cultural effects and language, etc.

"What I want to know, though" I was like, "Is why Arabic has more than 50 words for different kinds of war and hatred, but no word for peace?"

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