Saturday, July 31, 2010

If I was in charge of Frenchfest.

1) A women's armpit hair length contest. They have a giant screen on which they project judges measuring the women's armpit hair.

2) A parade of the goddess reason throughout the city streets.

3) A car-flipping contest in solidarity with the oppressed minorities of France, and spectators are invited to sign a petition requesting the French government to gather national statistics using categories of race and class as a first step in combatting institutional racism... The petition would being, "We the undersigned people of Milwaukee..."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Vous êtes vraiment un visionnaire, mon ami! l. Peut-être Monsieur G. pourrait mesurer les poils sous les aisselles des compétitrices et aider ainsi a "tournoyer" des voitures...:) l.g.