Saturday, July 4, 2009

It's good to be back.

1) On the bus back from downtown on my way back from the airport, I was waiting at one stop, when I see the bus fly around a block ahead and turn, obviously off its routes. Me and another guy ran up the block and managed to get on the bus, and the other passenger asked the (black) driver, "Are you re-routed or something?", and the guy was like, "What are you talking about?".

As it turns out, there was major traffic like three blocks up, so the guy got sick of it, turned off his route and drove down another street, skipping a couple blocks.

He also went down 20 streets instead of turning onto the highway to go express, and everyone on the bus was looking at him.

2) When I was getting groceries to fill my fridge, I apologized to the (light black) cashier girl for not bagging all my loose vegetables, saying apologetically as I usually do that I'm neurotic about the environment, and she was like, "No, that's perfectly normal, sweetheart."

3) When I was going to the grocery store, I passed by the African goods store where I used to buy Obama buttons, and it had a black t-shirt in its window that said -


- and had a picture on it derived from the Thriller cover, with -

MICHAEL JACKSON ([year of birth] - 2009)

- underneath and off to the right in smaller letters.

4) I had this big blister on the bottom of my foot, but it wouldn't pop when I pressed it, so I took out my nail clippers and carefully snipped away at the dead flesh around the edge of the blister so it would pop, but when I pressed it, I guess I had only made a thin hole, since this little stream of blister juice jetted out right into my face and eyes, almost like a squirt gun, so then I stopped and cut away some more dead flesh and popped it as I expected.

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