Monday, June 1, 2009

From "Child Bride".

Last night I just finished Suzanne Finstad's "Child Bride: The Untold Story of Priscilla Beaulieu Presley". My favorite sentence from it is from p. 240, where it summarizes her post-Elvis relationships and dalliances:

She could not survive without sex; and survival was at the core of Priscilla's being.

I also love how in the "Acknowledgements" section at the end the author says:

My wish for Priscilla Presley is that she may, one day, free herself from the past -- her true past and the imaginary past she created to perpetuate a myth that no longer needs to exist.

I love how serious the author is - she does a hatchet job (which seems very accurate), and then says she wants the best for Priscilla, which can only be done by Priscilla acknowledging what she's dug up!

I also love the title of this one book, which she refers to the writing of, which is by some Presley aides who were fired in the year before he died and then wrote a tell all -- it's called "Elvis: What Happened?".

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