Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Got my hair cut yesterday.

I had my haircut yesterday. Because last time Tennille had given me free pomade on my birthday, and had said her birthday was in February when I asked, I gave her my commemorative Obama mug and some coconut rooibus tea I had gotten on clearance this weekend, along with a heart-shaped ginger cookie with raspberry jam in the middle, which, I said when I gave it to her, is "Because you're such a sweetheart."

When she got it, she was like, "Oh, this is so nice, someone loves me!", and the other salon workers said no one ever got them anything.

Tennille then started to cut my hair, and somehow we started talking about celebrities and what bad role models they are, and she asked me if I had heard about how Chris Brown beat up Rihanna. I had but hadn't really heard anything much, and she said that she had heard it was because she had given him herpes.

"But she doesn't deserve that, even if she did give him herpes," she was like. "No one does."

Later, we were talking more, and she was saying she's going to take her time off this upcoming month to start thinking more/formalizing a plan about opening up her own salon, which she's been thinking about for years.

She also mentioned that a lot of her clients from the real ritzy part of town where she used to give minimum $40 men's haircuts have followed her here to this job, too.

1 comment:

JUSIPER said...

No one deserves herpes either.