Thursday, October 16, 2008

Silverfish / Sex.

So like twice in the past two weeks I've noticed a silverfish just sitting on the wall near my stand-up IKEA floor-lamp with the chrome base and tasteful crepe paper that diffuses a soft light throughout the room, so I've whacked both of them with my sandal.

Last night after the debate, though, I was brushing my teeth in the bathroom when all of a sudden I look up near the shower and on the plaster above the shower there's a huge silverfish, so I climb up on the edge of the tub to whack it, and all of a sudden I notice another, slightly smaller one higher up on the wall beside the tub, so I had to whack that one too. I wonder if there's a ton of them in my bathroom; I had found one in the tub a couple times over the past few months, if I remember correctly.

The debate last night was fun. I watched it at my one German friend's house along with my one Dutch friend. My one German friend made lentil soup and a plum tart and a big pitcher of white Russians, and she had set out olives and different cheeses with a baguette, too. I brought over a vegetable salad of cucumber, tomato, and red onion, covered with oil and vinegar and salt and fresh ground pepper.

The debate was good, but my one German friend was frustrated since she kept looking online to show us some video excerpts from Larry Flynt's new "Nailin' Palin" video that a German newspaper had linked to online, but she couldn't find them. She said she particularly appreciated the threesome with Condoleeza Rice.

Anyhow, the conversation somehow turned to sex like it always does at some point or another if you hang out with her often enough... The last time we hung out, I had talked about how this one French grad student who we both know from everything I've gathered first met his boyfriend at a club and got sucked off in the alley, and they've been together like two years now.

"Oh," she was like, "The French are very reserved, but this must be how they do that. Paris has all those windy streets, you know."

What she was saying, though, was that this other German girl in her department was tired of effete academic men and started sleeping with her Turkish dance partner, but though she liked him since he was very masculine, it was a rocky relationship since he tried to be in control but she would always argue with him about politics.

Anyhow, one day they got into it about the Armenian genocide, and at the height of the argument she slapped him hard, then slapped him again while he looked on stunned, then she stormed out the door since the relationship for her was over.

Next thing you know, though, like two days later he calls up and apologized and said that he was shocked that she slapped him, and that it brought back all these old memories of how his father used to beat him, but, now the situation is different, and he was surprised, since he likes it.

So, they got back together and she beats him up now, but she's very dissatisfied because she has this really masculine man, but he turned out to be submissive, but it's not like she's getting sex anywhere else, so she's kind of locked into the relationship for right now.

The guy also runs a limo rental business and always picks her up in a different limo, which she's kind of embarrassed about. My one German friend is shocked not by that, but by the fact that they've been together a while and still haven't had sex in the limo yet.

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