Monday, January 28, 2008

My morning.

I have a slight cold again. I used my neti pot and blew a bunch of yellow down the drain -- the biggest clump just slid down the sink and into the drain under its own weight on the residual water left in the basin -- and then I looked up into the mirror, and the slip of paper I had tucked in the corner of it caught my eye, "Perfect health is my natural state of being." I found it comforting, and it made me wonder if seeing that every morning is the reason my cold now isn't as bad as the other colds I've had this year.

At breakfast, I thought again of how I ate my persimmon last night. It was finally ripe, and tasty. I might buy one again.


JUSIPER said...

Should I get a neti pot? How often do you use it?

el blogador said...

2-3 times a day when sick, otherwise not at all.

JUSIPER said...

2-3 times *a day* when you're sick?

but don't some people do it daily? aren't you supposed to use it daily?

is it hard to get the water to come out of the other nostril? the whole thing sounds weird, but people say it's crazy effective.

el blogador said...

yes, 2-3 times a day (about every 4-6 hours).

people do it daily, but it doesn't do anything for me when I'm feeling well.

if you're really really plugged up, it's difficult, but usually not so much... if it is, though, you do it one nostril, let the hot water sit, blow a bit, do the same the other side, and do it back and forth, and eventually a drip will get going, and then a dribbly stream, and then a strong stream, and you just blow everything right out -- highly, highly effective.